Fitness drive tips😁😁😁❤❤❤

Fitness drive tips😁😁😁❤❤❤

👉 Regardless of whether classes are held in the gym or at home, workouts for beginners should last no more than 30-45 minutes. At the beginning of your sports path, do not train every day - a good option is two to three sessions per week.
Choose the right sportswear. It must match your size. In too loose it is inconvenient to train, excessively narrow restricts movement and disrupts blood circulation.

👉Work out in sneakers - there is less risk of injuring the joints.

👉Don't exercise on an empty stomach - you might faint. But don't do it right after dinner. Between food and training, the break should be at least 2 hours.

👉If it becomes bad - it gets dark in the eyes, there is ringing in the ears, dizziness, immediately stop training. Do not confuse this state with overwork. It's normal to sweat, feel hot in your muscles, and have a fast heart rate.

Fitness training in case of illness is contraindicated. Why even a slight malaise is a good reason to miss a class, you can read here.

👉👉All diverse trainings are conditionally divided into two groups:
full body - all major muscle groups are worked out in one session;
split - 1-3 muscle groups are being worked out.
Which workout is more effective? There is no single answer to this question. Performing a full body, you will evenly and proportionally load the whole body, expend a lot of energy. But for each specific muscle group, the load will be small. With the help of a full body, you can get in good shape, lose weight (a prerequisite is nutritional adjustment).
Split is indispensable for gaining muscle mass, developing strength and qualitative study of specific muscle groups. Among the benefits of a split is less chance of overtraining, since training 1-2 muscle groups does not exhaust as much as training the whole body.
If you don’t know where to start playing sports for beginners at home, heed the advice of professionals:
Beginners or after a long break definitely need to start with training for all muscle groups. If you already have some experience in fitness training, we advise you to take 60% of your workouts to full body, and the remaining 40% to split.

👉 Separate and basic exercises - what is the difference
Depending on the degree of severity in the work of the muscles, the load on glucose levels and baseline.
Basic exercises are complex and energy-intensive, they affect various muscle groups and several joints. For example, when doing squats, your hip and knee joints work. The quadriceps, gluteus maximus, biceps, calf muscles, rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, and back extensors receive the load.

When performing isolated muscles, up to 80% falls on one joint and one muscle group. So, for example, when bending the arms with dumbbells in a sitting position, the biceps are loaded and the elbow joint works during flexion-extension.

In training, most of the time is devoted to basic exercises, as the most frequent. Exercise injections are easy to perform, both physically and mentally. The body does not experience post-experience stress, so they are not growth factors. Their meaning is different. They allow you to save energy, load the desired muscle, reduce the load on the joints (especially after an injury), “finish off” the desired muscle group if the load on the training was insufficient.

👉What is the best way to train?
Trainers advise novice amateur athletes to perform complex exercises. And only after the muscle corset has formed, which protects the body from injuries, proceed to isolated exercises.
Recommendations from our pros
Set a specific realistic goal
Preferably measurable. Do not lose weight by 15 kg by the summer, but lose 2.5-3 kg in a month. Believe me, nothing inspires new feats as much as the result achieved.

👉Don't Ignore the Workout
By warming up your muscles, ligaments, and joints before training, you prepare your body for the upcoming load and prevent injury. Warm up for at least 5-10 minutes so that not only the muscular, but also the ligamentous-articular apparatus is ready for work - it takes more time to warm up.

👉The warm-up should include:
cardio - 3-5 minutes of easy running, exercise bike;
joint exercises - from the neck to the ankles;
dynamic stretching of those muscles that you plan to work on in the main part of the workout.

👉End your workout with a stretch
Gentle stretching improves joint mobility and muscle elasticity, reduces the risk of injury and speeds up recovery after training. Stretching exercises increase blood circulation, so krepatura - muscle pain, passes faster. In addition, stretching releases endorphins and provides a feeling of calmness and satisfaction.

👉Take a stable starting stop
Maintain a normal spine position. So the load on the intervertebral discs and the ligament will be transient. Does not raise his head up and does not look under his feet - the head should be in line with the spine, the gaze is directed forward. Avoid forced arches and curves in the lower back. And do not forget to tighten the stomach - it keeps your back straight.

👉Train according to the program
One of the most popular questions newbies get asked is how to organize a home workout. You start training in order to achieve the goal - to lose weight, get better, for flexibility, for relief. In this case, use different techniques and different exercises. A training program compiled by a specialist with specialized education and work experience in accordance with the action plan that you set up for the desired result.

The old set of perfumes that you remember from the time of physical education school does not bring harm, but there will be benefits and benefits.

In addition, the training program disciplines and makes classes not only interesting, but also regular.

👉Change your workout programs
Do not stick to too long a regimen - the body gets used to the load. Change up your workout routine every few weeks.

How to know if you are doing technical exercises correctly
In this case, a friend or girlfriend who went to fitness for a couple of months and says that they know how to do it right in the gym is not your helper. Contact professionals who have education, experience, sports achievements.


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